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Showing posts from 2021

Kopi Rolas

Flash Fiction is a micro-story within the limit of 500 words or less. 

How Scandalous! A Shocking Power in Lady Whistledown's Gossip Chain

Gossip, whispers, hearsay, tittle-tattle. Find out how the Netflix series Bridgerton (2020) invert the act to display girl power!

2021 Winter Anime: Why Facebook Fans are on Fire Over Horimiya

2021 Winter season is heading towards the end, but Horimiya's new 'sex scene' split otaku apart all across Facebook.  source

A Final Farewell Letter

Hi again. I hope this would be the last, for your sake and for my own. May we find our own peace, here or there. 

How Toxic Masculinity Made Its Way Into Gay Realm on Will & Grace (1998)

Will & Grace, a boundary-pushing late 90s show that represents gay community. Is it actually free of toxic masculinity?

Ways that Make ‘The Lobster’ (2015) an Adequate Pick for Movie Date

(Definitely a spoiler) ✨